Hello, I'm Jack. A designer passionate about big ideas, product design and design strategy. I currently work as Design Director for an AI therapy company in Cambridge, UK.
I love to make things that matter. Intuitive things. Interactive things. Honest things. Things that make a lasting impact on peoples’ lives. Curiosity, empathy, passion and hard work keep me creative.
Selected freelance projects
The projects below are from 2008 – 2013.
Please contact me to view my most recent work.
Journal Entries
Leading Design Conference
I spent three fantastic days in London for Leading Design Conference last week. The speakers and workshops were superb, and I met some lovely folks. I arrived home with a pages of notes to sort through, here are a few of them.
Nielsen Norman Group Usability Week
I recently attended Nielsen Norman Group’s Usability Week in London. The five day course was packed with great insights and useful take-aways, much of which revolved around usability, a fundamental building block of our craft. Here’s a brief summary of the week.
UX Cambridge
I attended my first UX Cambridge conference last week. I learnt lots and met some great people. Below is a brief summary of the talks and workshops attended over the three days and some of the takeaways.